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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas commodo, libero sit amet lacinia scelerisque, elit enim facilisis lacus, sit amet lobortis nibh sem a eros. Etiam id nibh tempus, pretium tellus vel, cursus metus. Nullam id elementum dui. Nullam porttitor posuere orci a cursus. Nullam mauris magna, iaculis quis neque vel, tincidunt gravida metus. Cras et mi libero. Pellentesque sit amet elit sit amet nulla aliquet rutrum ac faucibus turpis.
Ut non eros malesuada, viverra sapien vitae, ultrices erat. Suspendisse vulputate congue fermentum. Phasellus volutpat consectetur nisi, at blandit leo laoreet a. Aliquam feugiat tellus tellus, ut posuere magna viverra non. Donec at cursus magna. Nulla facilisi. Nam cursus pretium dapibus. Proin enim enim, tempus eu imperdiet eget, rhoncus ac lorem. Vivamus porta pulvinar purus, non laoreet nunc posuere eu. Sed porttitor tortor vel molestie interdum. Curabitur laoreet sed eros non imperdiet. Morbi sem nisi, faucibus tincidunt odio non, elementum molestie nibh.
6 easy steps to beat the Christmas party season bloat!
We’re all prone to a little indulgence at Christmas, but rich food and overeating can play havoc with your digestion, leaving you bloated and uncomfortable. It’s not surprising – we consume on average 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone. That’s three times the...
Are YOU suffering from festive FOMO?
Hey, would you like to come to this place, spend the evening at that place, have a mince pie, sausage roll, egg nog, mulled wine, taste my world-beating Christmas cake…? And you’ll go because you can’t resist. You’ll feast like you’ll never see another meal, and...
Could practising gratitude be the answer to your health problems?
Feeling grateful is more than a nice feeling. The more you feel grateful, the luckier you feel and the happier you are. You’re less stressed and your outlook, more positive. And healthier, too. Who would not want that? Let me explain how gratitude works and how you...