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I am Zoe Cooper and I am a registered nutritional therapist and health coach.
My passion is supporting busy women to regain control of their lives and feel more like themselves again through the power of nutrition and lifestyle.
So how do I do this? I use my clinical knowledge and coaching skills to provide you with a toolkit to help you support yourself, not just for today but for the rest of your life! I provide the opportunity for you to invest in yourself, creating a safe and trusted environment for you to be heard, supported and nurtured as we work together to make achievable changes to your health and well-being.

A little bit about Me
As I began to research into how food, lifestyle and exercise choices may help me to feel more like me again, my eyes were opened and curiosity piqued.
I retrained and qualified and Zoe Cooper York Nutrition was born!
My clinic is based from my home in a lovely village on the outskirts of York where I offer 1:1 consultations in person and online, group online programmes and corporate services.